Let ECT help you comply with changes to the state’s Solid Waste Law.
Michigan’s solid waste statute – Part 115 of the state’s Environmental Protections Act – now requires all counties to submit a new, detailed Materials Management Plan to the state that keeps waste materials out of landfills and ensures they are disposed of in a productive, sustainable way.
Rules at-a-Glance
- In January 2024, the Michigan Department of Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) initiated the State’s new Materials Management Planning (MMP) requirement. This replaces old requirements for counties to create a Solid Waste Management Plan.
- The first step towards compliance is for county officials to create a County Approval Agency (CAA) and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the EGLE by July 6, 2024. This group, selected by county commissioners, municipalities, and regional planning agencies, will then appoint a Designated Planning Agency (DPA) and a Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC) tasked with overseeing the creation and implementation of the new plan.
- Counties can prepare their own plan or participate in a Multicounty MMP.
- Grant money is available to help counties fund the new MMPs and related materials management initiatives.
- EGLE will implement its own plan in any county that does not comply with the new regulations. Those counties are still responsible for funding and implementing the MMP imposed by the state. However, they will not receive any grant funding to help pay for those initiatives.
Rule Overview
Part 115 of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act has been revised to include Subpart 11, which requires every county in Michigan to replace its current Solid Waste Management Plan with Materials Management Plans (MMPs). The MMP process was initiated by the EGLE Director on January 8, 2024.
The new MMPs are meant to focus county efforts on sustainable “materials management” approaches, such as recycling and composting, instead of simply dumping all waste products into Michigan’s overflowing landfills. It’s a big change, but the law ensures ample opportunities for counties to secure grant funding as they take on the challenge of adopting reuse and waste diversion practices.
ECT Capabilities:
- Initiation of the MMP process and municipal education, early-stage planning, and NOI development and submittal by July 6, 2024.
- Assistance with preparation of a Draft Work Program for approval by county agencies and EGLE within 180 days of submittal of the NOI.
- Preparation of portions or an entire MMP with input and assistance from county stakeholders and EGLE throughout the process.
- Implementation of the MMP and related research, process management, troubleshooting, and data management support.
Implementation of the MMP
- ECT can provide support for implementing the MMP initiatives approved by county authorities and EGLE. Support may include researching recycling outlets, troubleshooting materials transportation, flow of materials through solid waste and materials management facilities, assist with data management etc.
More Information
Click here to review EGLE’s new MMP process and additional state resources.