& Sustainability
Trusted professionals supporting environmental and industrial risk management, regulatory compliance, sustainability initiatives, and net-zero strategies.

Performance Assurance
This team regularly converts a single compliance task into a long-term client. By getting to know the organizations they support, our professionals operate as an extension of their clients’ team, delivering quality technical work within the necessary operational constraints, compliance standards, and risk tolerance.
- EHS Management Systems (ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001)
- EH&S Regulatory compliance auditing
- Environmental Asset & Compliance Management System (EACMS)
- Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) & oil spill contingency plans
- Storage tank compliance & testing (AST & UST)
- RCRA compliance, reporting & planning
- SARA Title III reporting (Tier II, Form A/R, TRI)
- Emergency response plans
- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting & oversight
- Wastewater discharge management & reporting
- Stormwater management & reporting (SWPPP, industrial, municipal, construction, SESC)
- EH&S training program development & implementation
- OSHA-mandated written programs
- Integrated contingency plans
Performance assurance consulting is provided through a diverse team consisting of professional engineers and scientists, Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM), ISO 14001 Lead Auditors, Health & Safety Auditors/OHSAS Auditors, Certified Stormwater Operators (CSO), Certified AST/UST Inspectors, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Safety Training Certified personnel, MSHA & Hazwoper Certified staff, and field technicians.
Operational ESG
Net Zero? ESG Roadmap? Carbon Sequestration? YES, we can help. As our clients new, existing opportunities for cleaner, more efficient operations they are face uncertainly in how to invest resources toward the end goal, move with certainty as the try new solutions, and produce the intended result in new, unchartered waters.
- ESG and related sustainability report guidance & support
- Greenhouse gas emission tracking, reduction & mitigation
- Carbon offset consulting & renewable energy procurement
- Energy auditing & consumption/cost reduction
- Water, wastewater, stormwater auditing & consumption/cost reduction
- Waste auditing & volume/cost minimization
- Zero waste Implementation/Certification
- Circular supply chain development
- Sustainability data management & reporting
- Sustainability data verification
- LEED & WELL building certification/re-certification
Air Quality
ECT has a long history of air quality modeling, engineering, and reporting for large-scale utilities and power generation outfits, manufacturers, and oil & gas companies. Today, much of the focus is on GHG emission reductions, permitting and regulatory services, and new and existing facility support.
- State & federal air quality compliance
- Federal New Source Review (NSR) permitting (PSD & NNSR)
- Title V permitting
- State construction permitting
- Minor source permitting
- Control technology evaluations (RACT/BACT/LAER/ MACT)
- Air Dispersion Modeling (Class I Areas, Class II Areas, Toxic Air Pollutants)
- Greenhouse gases – emission calculations, inventories & reporting
- Emissions inventories & database services
- Emission offsets/emission reduction credits
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews/air quality analyses