Remediation &
Adaptive reuse and redevelopment strategies designed to leverage existing infrastructure to create financial, viable opportunities.
Remediation Services
ECT can help you understand potential contamination and any associated impacts while providing aggressive, industry specific remediation solutions. Common remediation types include:
- Risk consultation & liability management
- Third-party reviews
- Sediment & soil quality evaluations
- Hydrogeological assessment
- Groundwater solute transport & flow modeling
- Geophysical investigations/evaluations
- Soil-gas, vapor intrusion & indoor air surveys
- Risk assessment & quantifications
- Source differentiation
- Site-specific cleanup levels & remedial alternative evaluations, investigations & permitting
- Remedial/corrective action plans
- System design, installation & startup
- Operations & maintenance
- Closure & compliance monitoring
Brownfield & Redevelopment
Redevelopment comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s a new owner, sometimes it’s due to expansion or just the need to modernize. With the variety of financial incentives and risk-mitigating approaches available today, we encourage you to engage on how redevelopment and related Brownfield programs can meet your real estate needs.
- Asbestos assessment surveys/lead-based paint inspections
- Physical/environmental hazard assessments
- Abandoned container & waste inventories
- Preparation/evaluation of engineering design specifications
- Project & bid cost estimates & evaluation
- Review of contractor submittal
- Overall field management & oversight
- Brownfield master planning & reuse strategies
- State/federal funding & agency negotiations
- Grant/loan applications & administration
- Community outreach & engagement
- Tax increment financing & local incentives
Decommissioning & Demolition
ECT maintains an expertise in Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Demolition (DDD) for industrial facilities and settings. With a focus on net-zero waste and aggressive recycling strategies, we concentrate on minimizing potential risks associated with any project site and development activity, as well as the financial and environmental impacts related to those efforts.
- Project planning and consulting
- Decontamination and decommissioning support
- Environmental remediation technology design and management
- Site development and restoration support and engagement
- Remedial treatment systems
- Construction oversight and management support
- Hazardous waste management and offsite disposal
- Asbestos assessment and abatement oversight
- QA/QC and emergency response plans
- Contractor and subconsultant procurement and management
- Safety plan development and implementation
- Air quality monitoring
- Permitting and compliance support
- Post-demolition monitoring