CBS’s “America ByDesign: Architecture” Features ECT’s Stanley Center Project

Did you catch it? The Stanley Center for Peace and Security Headquarters was featured in the season finale of America ByDesign: Architecture on CBS!

Watch now: Click here to see the Season 2, Episode 7 spotlight on cutting-edge architecture across the U.S. The Stanley Center segment begins at 9:52.

 A Model for Sustainable Architecture

The Stanley Center is setting a new benchmark in sustainable design, on track to become one of the most self-sustaining buildings in the world.

“What’s so impressive about this project is that they are pursuing the Living Building Challenge (LBC), one of the most difficult sustainability standards.”
— Lakisha Ann Woods, EVP/CEO, The American Institute of Architects

Innovative, Sustainable, and Community-Focused
Designed in collaboration with Neumann Monson Architects, ECT’s team of engineers and landscape architects created a Living Building that redefines environmental responsibility.

Smart Water Management
The site’s iconic cisterns capture and repurpose over 100,000 gallons of rainwater annually, fully supplying the building’s potable water and irrigation—eliminating reliance on city water.

Rooted in Place
Paying tribute to Muscatine, Iowa, the landscape features 100% native vegetation, mirroring the region’s savannas. The central courtyard includes a community garden that supports the local food pantry.

Adaptive Reuse
Rather than building new, the former public library was retrofitted, preserving 95% of its original structure.

“The Stanley Center is foreshadowing the future of architecture—not tearing down old buildings but repurposing them for a new life.”
— Thomas Wong, Architect featured in America ByDesign

Proud partners in sustainability, ECT is honored to contribute to this groundbreaking Living Building Challenge project.

Contact Jason Cooper to explore ECT’s sustainable design expertise.

Read more about the project here.

About ECT
ECT provides experts on subjects that matter to address the complex environmental challenges and opportunities that face our clients and communities today. With professionals in more than 27 states, ECT specializes in natural resources, ecosystem restoration, remediation, water resource initiatives, and sustainability programs requiring cutting-edge technologies, effective permitting strategies, and responsive project management.


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