ECT acquires leading sustainable design and ecology firm Conservation Design Forum, Inc.


This merger will provide CDF’s clients access to an expanded team of experts and a broader geographical footprint, while enhancing ECT’s presence and leadership across the country.

August 31, 2019 (Lombard, Illinois) – We are excited to announce that on August 31, 2019, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. (ECT), acquired the firm Conservation Design Forum, Inc. (CDF). The merger has expanded ECT’s presence in the growing Chicago market where CDF is headquartered. Adding to CDF’s strong talent and forward-thinking capabilities, ECT will accelerate the value it drives for its clients.

“This exciting new chapter will further strengthen ECT’s capacity to integrate science within design processes, and significantly expand our staffing capacity,” shared ECT President & Natural Resources National Director Bobbi Westerby, PWS. “The ECT and CDF combination bolsters our capabilities to design integrated stormwater and sustainable landscape systems that meet the needs of our changing environment.”

“This partnership will allow CDF to deliver a broader range of environmental services to our existing client base and bring our unique integration of civil, landscape, and ecological services to clients outside our primary market,” said CDF’s Senior Principal Water Resource Engineer, Thomas Price, P.E.

Since 1994, CDF has been at the forefront of the ecological design movement – valuing water as the most influential element in the landscape. Since its beginning, this understanding has guided the team’s approach to site design and resource management. Sustainable landscape architecture — when part of an integrated design process — results in a comprehensive approach to high-performance building and site development that can dramatically reduce water usage and create a healthy environment.

CDF has an extensive track record helping clients reach their goals, and a commitment to design excellence that has attracted a broad base of public and private sectors. CDF’s design team of landscape architects, civil engineers, botanists and ecologists look forward to working within the ECT team.

“ECT has been at the forefront of newer, better technologies and processes since its inception,” said ECT Vice President & Water Resources National Director Sanjiv Sinha, Ph.D., P.E. “We are providing sustainable landscape related services across the country under the overarching umbrella of topics such as green stormwater infrastructure, naturalized landscapes, renewable energy, public-private partnerships, and climate resiliency. I expect CDF staff to play key roles in each of these priority areas.”

A sample of ECT’s projects can be found here 

ECT acquires CDF
ECT acquires CDF

About ECT
ECT provides experts on subjects that matter to address the complex environmental challenges and opportunities that face our clients and communities today. With professionals in more than 27 states, ECT specializes in natural resources, ecosystem restoration, remediation, water resource initiatives, and sustainability programs requiring cutting-edge technologies, effective permitting strategies, and responsive project management.


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