The Snuffbox Mussel Increases Authenticity at Michigan’s Future Music Event Venue

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Vicksburg, Michigan

The former Lee Paper Mill is being redeveloped into an enterprise-level commercial development designed to honor its heritage as an economic engine to the town of Vicksburg. The 120-acre campus will be home to a mixed-use business model centered on beer, events and music. As the environmental consultant for the project, ECT provides wetland and floodplain permitting as well as stream restoration. This work is reflected in the Mill’s Pillars of Sustainability – the project’s ongoing mission to have “a people and planet-first approach” to everything related to the project.

While conducting biological surveys of Portage Creek’s fish and macroinvertebrates ECT discovered the federally endangered freshwater snuffbox mussel thriving in the stream. This prompted further investigation and conservation efforts as part of the stream restoration planning and design. This was a significant discovery since the species was listed as endangered since 2012 and was found thriving in such an unlikely degraded aquatic system. The findings provide clues about the habitat conditions that allow the snuffbox mussel to thrive and reproduce.

Enthused about the mussel discovery, the developers hope to create a snuffbox mussel stout at the brewery!

Client / Owner
Paper City Development LLC
Project Timeline
2019 – Ongoing
  • Discovery of endangered freshwater snuffbox mussel
  • Stream restoration
  • Brownfield redevelopment and revitalization

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ECT Inquiry

ECT Subcontractor H&S Prequalification - New Application

Section 1: Subcontractor Information

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Section 2: Subcontractor Health & Safety Information

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Once your application is received, the information will be reviewed and you will be contacted either to confirm approval and active status in our system or to request additional or supplementary information such as HAZWOPER training certifications, procedural documentation, or other related information. To complete the application process, please complete the required signatures below.

"By signing below, I acknowledge the information provided is current and true and I have provided the support information requested or provided explanations why the information was not provided. Additionally, the submitting subcontractor agrees to follow ECT health & safety requirements and applicable state or federal health & safety regulations."
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