For over six years ECT has provided vision and direction to enhance Oakton Community College’s two campuses. The partnership began in 2018 with development of the Landscape Master Plan which aimed to integrate the college’s natural environment with their architectural elements. The vision has since evolved into ongoing built campus enhancements that foster connection between the college’s interior and exterior spaces. Each campus has its own unique identity which the landscape master plan celebrates and unifies through a consistent design language, materials, signage and site elements, creating a single branded environment.
At 182 acres, the Des Plaines Campus is set amongst a healthy woodland system — from Northern Flatwoods to Mesic Uplands and Floodplains. The buildings are nestled around Lake Oakton, a manmade water feature. The 21-acre Ray Hartstein Campus in Skokie features a dynamic urban environment, blending commercial and residential scales. It is easily accessible via pedestrian sidewalks, bicycle-shared streets, bicycle trails, and multiple public transit systems.
The landscape master plan prioritizes various enhancement zones and future projects at each campus through multiple phases. To date the following projects have been completed:
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