Protecting Vital Fish Spawning Areas in the Detroit River

Great Lakes Aggregate
Great Lakes Aggregate
Detroit River, Michigan

The Detroit River has seen significant decrease in its coastal wetlands and habitats over the years due to industrialization, and, as a result, is listed as an Area of Concern (AOC). The Friends of the Detroit River (FDR) hired ECT to design and implement a fish and wildlife habitat restoration plan for the Detroit River area surrounding the 68-acre Celeron Island located at the mouth of Lake Erie.

FDR received more than $8 million in funding through Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)‐National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to design and implement habitat restoration projects, including Celeron Island. The restoration created habitat shoals that are structurally sound, yet incorporate vegetation and aquatic habitat, to protect and promote development of vegetated backwater habitat. The restoration team constructed habitat structures for fish, turtles, snakes, amphibians, various other herpetofauna and avian species. The restoration protects existing habitat, revives areas of habitat loss, and expands high-quality habitat.

This project was a major step in completing a habitat re-construction among the islands in the lower part of the Detroit River. FDR and ECT also anticipate significant positive recreational and economic impacts that will enhance the quality of life for southeast Michigan and northwest Ohio. One such impact will be to further strengthen the Great Lakes fishery, worth an estimated $4-7 billion annually.

Client / Owner
Friends of the Detroit River
Project Timeline
  • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
  • Investigation, monitoring, design, permitting, & construction oversight
  • 4,000+ LF of habitat shoal creation
  • 3,000 LF of shoreline protected
  • 55 acres of backwater habitat protected

ECT Subcontractor H&S Prequalification - Renewal Application

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Next Steps

Once your renewal application is received, the information will be reviewed and you will be contacted either to confirm approval and active status in our system or to request additional or supplementary information such as HAZWOPER training certifications, procedural documentation, or other related information. To complete the application process, please complete the required signatures below.

"By signing below, I acknowledge the information provided is current and true and I have provided the support information requested or provided explanations why the information was not provided. Additionally, the submitting subcontractor agrees to follow ECT health & safety requirements and applicable state or Federal health & safety regulations."

KP Test Form

File Upload Section
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ECT Inquiry

ECT Subcontractor H&S Prequalification - New Application

Section 1: Subcontractor Information

Company Legal Name:
Primary Mailing Address:
H&S Manager Information:
Current Date:
Recent Service:
NAICS Code(s):
Business Certifications:

Section 2: Subcontractor Health & Safety Information

Please provide the following data for the last three years below. If not applicable, please mark "NA" in the fields.
TRIR – Total Recordable Incident Rate:
DART – Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred:
EMR – Experience Modification Rate:
H&S Program Information

Section 3: Document Uploads

Please upload the following supporting documents.
You may upload up to a total of 10 MB for all of your files; if you need to upload more or are experiencing difficulty uploading, please let us know and we will contact you directly. You may include up to 3 files per upload button. Hold down the command key to select multiple files from the same folder.

Next Steps

Once your application is received, the information will be reviewed and you will be contacted either to confirm approval and active status in our system or to request additional or supplementary information such as HAZWOPER training certifications, procedural documentation, or other related information. To complete the application process, please complete the required signatures below.

"By signing below, I acknowledge the information provided is current and true and I have provided the support information requested or provided explanations why the information was not provided. Additionally, the submitting subcontractor agrees to follow ECT health & safety requirements and applicable state or federal health & safety regulations."
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